
Senior Activity Image.jpg

On March 1, 2018, Mantua Civic Association launched a renewed Senior Committee with funding from the Ralston Center.

Samantha Samuels has agreed to lead the group while Corine Sapp and Madeline have agreed to serve as support. Nineteen eager seniors attended the first meeting, where they met at the Dornsife Center.  The Seniors to by conference call every Thursday since then.

Samantha has planned several events such as a holiday cookout, game nights, trips to shows, and a cruise. Madeline, Corine and Jennifer from the Ralston Center have acquired and distributed 10 laptops to Seniors who had no computer or access to the internet.

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, we have paid extra special attention to the Mantua Seniors, particularly those who live alone.  In collaboration with PEC and a host of faith-based institutions, we have been able to distribute weekly grocery boxes and cleaning supplies to the homes of our senior residents throughout Mantua. Through volunteer efforts, we have distributed masks and other PPE to those individuals as well. 

Mantua’s Senior Group will show that they are united, and they are a voice to be heard.